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Burnett Learning Time: 4-week Pilot

JN Burnett Secondary School is excited to engage in a 4-week pilot of Burnett Learning Time (BLT). The aim of BLT is for students to exercise self-direction and self-management in their learning, as well as to seek additional support to have more success in their courses. Student assemblies will be held during Conference Day on February 8th to review expectations and the structure of our 4-week pilot.

Today, February 5th, all teachers discussed Burnett Learning Time with their Block A class.  Students were given a handout to take home to their parents/guardians.  We have also shared this document as an attachment to this post.  The attached document outlines the concept of BLT which aligns with the philosophy of British Columbia's new curriculum. Included in this document is a revised bell schedule for February 12th - March 5th.  After our pilot, we will seek feedback from students, parents, and staff regarding the success of the pilot and how we will proceed with Burnett Learning Time for the remainder of the school year.

Parents are welcome to share their feedback at our March 7th PAC meeting or by email at

Updated: Thursday, December 2, 2021