Counsellors are here to help you with many aspects of school life. Find out who your counsellor is on our website, based on your last name. Visit the counselling and career center by appointment or on a drop-in basis to receive information or assistance. Counsellors are there to assist you and your parents with educational planning, vocational planning, social-emotional development, crises, and many other things that might affect your schooling.
Counsellor | Alpha | Website | |
Ms. Yip | Surname: A - H | | |
Ms. Murad | Surname I - Se | | |
Ms. Grenzberg | Surname: Sh - Z | | |
Ms. Carter | Career Advisor | | Career Website |
The following services are available to students:
Educational Guidance
- assisting students with personal program planning / course selection
- assessing academic difficulties and offering suggestions
- providing post-secondary information helping students develop study skills
Career Guidance
- explaining vocational opportunities, aptitudes, and abilities
- providing information on careers and training programs
Personal / Social Guidance
- helping students in dealing with personal concerns or problems which interfere with school progress and personal well-being
- assisting students with medical and related concerns through regular
involvement with the nurse
- referring students to district specialists, adolescent support workers and other community agencies, depending upon the student needs
- consulting with parents regarding family problems
Financial Information
- making available information on scholarships, grants, loans and bursaries for high school and post-secondary education
- providing information about where to and how to apply for financial assistance
At Burnett Secondary, students are assigned to a counsellor based on their last name; however, students may see a different counsellor for unique circumstances, or as deemed appropriate after consultation.