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Spring 2022 Evidence Blog: Growth and Development in two Strategic Goal Areas at Burnett

Spring 2022 Evidence Blog Burnett Secondary


In the Spring of 2022, we comprehensively reviewed data from the Provincial Learning Survey (student, parent, staff), Student Focus Groups and Street Data from informal staff, student, and parent conversations to better understand our progress on learning and engagement at Burnett Secondary.  We continue to be committed to our broader focus which is to develop educated and socially responsible citizens who feel connected to the school, respect themselves and others, and participate as responsible members of the larger community. The data again reflected many areas of progress, growth, and strength representative of our School Focus. In particular, students continue to feel connected to and cared for at Burnett by staff.  They feel that the school is working on being an inclusive, equitable and caring place (Strategic Priority 2: Equity and Inclusion; Goal 1). There is a high level of learning and achievement across all curricular areas.  In addition, the evidence is clear that we are making good progress implementing BC’s redesigned curriculum as a staff.  Recent conversations with student Focus Groups indicate that we have made good progress on curriculum implementation and assessment. The work is ongoing and remains a key focus for next year as staff continue to re-design course previews, re-shape learning activities, and improve how they communicate student learning to students and parents.  Learners at Burnett continue to increase their capacity to adapt and thrive in an ever-changing world (Strategic Priority 1: Inspired Learners; Goal 1).  The data also demonstrated areas in which our school community has specifically improved this year on student learning and engagement in alignment with the specific goals of our School Story and the Richmond School District’s Strategic Plan.  Although it is not possible to reflect the breadth of data reviewed, this evidence blog highlights the progress we have made in several key identified goal areas during this school year.

Two Growth Areas were identified to improve Student Learning and Engagement in alignment with BC’s Redesigned Curriculum and Richmond’s Strategic Plan for the 2021-2022 school year

Growth Area One Update Spring 2022

Strategic Priority 1: Inspired Learners; Goal 2The district fosters resilient and healthy life-long learners

One of the identified goals in Our Focus is that of a healthy and well-developed respect for self and personal well-being.  It is evident from the data that students across all grades experience a high level of anxiety, and struggle to manage their mental health.  Please see the Fall 2021 graph in the data gallery below. Our school community engaged in specific actions to address these concerns throughout the school year. Some of our actions were: 

Strategic Actions Goal One

  • Burnett Learning Time Purpose and Rationale 
  • Trauma Informed Classrooms 
  • Student Connection and Care Weekly emphasis in Burnett Breeze and Staff Meetings
  • Conference Day 3 Mental Health and Wellness
  • PHE Teachers Inquiry

We are pleased to report that the data reviewed in Spring of 2022 demonstrated significant improvement among our students.  Please see the Spring 2022 graph in the data gallery below. When asked to consider this statement, “At school, I am learning how to care for my mental health (anxiety, stress management, anger management, relationship skills)”, that data showed that there was a significant decrease in students who strongly Disagreed or Disagreed (35% down to 18%).  Concurrently, there was a significant increase in those who Agreed or Strongly agreed (40% to 53%).   Undoubtedly this will remain a focus in the coming years, but the significant improvement is encouraging for the health, learning, and engagement of Burnett students. 

Growth Area Two Update Spring 2022

Strategic Priority 1: Inspired Learners; Goal 3: Indigenous Peoples’ history, perspectives, and learning approaches are embedded within district planning and practices.

One key area of growth identified in Fall 2022 was that of incorporating Indigenous curriculum, activities, and First Peoples Principles of Learning into our school activities and learning. 73% of students surveyed stated that they had not participated in First Peoples Celebrations or Activities. Please see the Fall 2021 graph in the data gallery below. Our school community engaged in specific actions to address these concerns throughout the school year. 

Strategic Actions Goal 2

As learning community, we are committed to the objectives outlined in the Strategic Plan:

  • Honour and implement the Truth and Reconciliation Commission calls to action related to education
  • Deepen understanding of and embed the First Peoples’ Principles of Learning 
  • Increase access to authentic learning opportunities and resources to enhance understanding of Indigenous Peoples’ culture and history

Some of our actions were:

  • Provide multiple school-wide opportunities for Indigenous activities and learning
  • Support individual teachers in implementing Indigenous and First Peoples’ ways of knowing and learning into their course curriculum
  • Focus on Indigenous learning and ways of knowing at staff meetings and professional development opportunities.

We are pleased to report that the data reviewed in Spring of 2022 demonstrated significant improvement among our students.  Please see the Spring 2022 graph in the data gallery below. When asked to consider the question, “At school, do you participate in any Aboriginal or First Peoples celebrations or activities?”, that data showed that there was a significant decrease in the number of students who stated at no time or they did not know (84% down to 50%). Concurrently, there was a significant increase in the number of students who reported a few times, sometimes, many times, and all the time (25% up to 50%). Undoubtedly this will remain a focus in the coming years, but the significant improvement is encouraging for the learning and engagement of Burnett students as it relates to our Strategic goal of embedding Indigenous Peoples’ history, perspectives, and learning approaches within district planning and practices.

Updated: Tuesday, June 21, 2022