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Sept 23, 2024 Daily Announcement


  1. Join us for the Terry Fox Run on this Wednesday during Block B! Throughout the week, Block D teachers will be collecting donations for cancer research from students. You can also donate through School Cash Online. Our goal is to raise $1,000. Let's make a difference together!
  2. Attention band club members, our first meeting is today at 3 PM in music room D199.
  3. Attention Peer tutors, please attend an important meeting tomorrow at lunch in Room D199.
  4. Grade 11 and Grade 12 students, are you interested in SFU Beedie School of Business as your choice of post-secondary education? Come along to the Library Lab at lunchtime today at 12:50 pm and meet with a representative, ask questions to find out if SFU Beedie School of Business is a good fit for you.
  5. Attention all Mathletes! If you're interested in participating in this year's CIMC and CSMC math contests, please scan the QR code on the Math Club's bulletin board located beside Ms. Haave's classroom in the math wing. The application deadline is October 1st, and the payment deadline is October 10th. Only paid participants will be registered for the contests, so don’t miss out!
  6. Attention all Grade 12s! Make sure to pay your fees on CashOnline for Winter Formal. The deadline to pay is November 6. Get ready for dancing, a photobooth, and making memories with the Grad Class of 2025!

Have a great day Breakers!


Updated: Monday, September 23, 2024