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May 14, 2024 Daily Announcement


  1. Hey Breakers! Are you interested in participating in Burnett’s annual Breaker Idol event? Signup sheets are posted outside of the school office. Make sure to sign up before the last day on May 16th!
  2. Hey Grads, put your names forward for the PAC Legacy Scholarships! This year, 5 awards of $500 each are up for grabs. Send your expressions of interest to Mr. Lim by this FRIDAY. More information is available at the office and counseling office.
  3. Hey Breakers, are you interested in the experience of making art with flowers in a calming, positive environment? If so, come on down to the Counselling Centre today at lunch for this unique opportunity! Bring a friend! Spots are limited so come on down as soon as you can!
  4. Good luck to the Breaker Track and Field Athletes competing Tuesday and Wednesday in South Fraser Zones!

Have a great day Breakers!

Updated: Tuesday, May 14, 2024