February 2, 2024 Daily Announcement
- Hey Grads! If you are attending the grad ski and snowboard trip, today is the last day to pay the fees and return the forms to Ms. Kozij. We hope to see you there!
- Today is the last day for BANTAM BOYS BASKETBALL TOURNAMENT. Come to the gym and watch!
- Grades 10, 11 and 12 students! Were you busy wrapping up your first semester course work and missed the deadline for the RCMP Youth Academy? Well, GREAT NEWS! The deadline to apply to the Youth Academy has been extended to Thursday, February 29th! The application is available through your counsellor or Career Advisor and is also posted on the SD38 Career Programs website. Don't miss this opportunity! Go see your Career Advisor in the Counselling Office.
- Peer tutors are asked to attend a meeting during lunch next Tuesday, FEB 6 in RM D199. Please log in RVS moodle before then.
- With Valentines coming right around the corner, send your friend (or more than a friend) a sweet treat! Student Council is selling crush cans starting Monday, February 5th until February 12th in front of the cafeteria! Be sure to keep an eye out for that!
Have a great day Breakers!
Friday, February 2, 2024