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2023-2024 Schedules

2023-2024 student timetables were built based on student course requests made in February and students checked their course requests again at the end of March.  Preliminary 2023-2024 student schedules were emailed home on Friday.  These are DRAFT schedules and are subject to change as class balancing, rescheduling due to summer school, and final marks from this current year are still in progress.  Please note that any changes to school organization, staffing, or enrollment can result in changes to the school’s master timetable which will affect student schedules.

If students require an adjustment to their schedule due to an error, please complete a 2023-2024 Course Correction Form (click).  Submit Online by 12:00pm on Monday, June 26.

Please note, course change requests will only be considered for:

  • Incomplete Schedules (i.e. less than 8 courses, wrong grade level of a course, missing a graduation requirement)
  • Summer learning plans (courses need updating)
  • Preference requests will be accepted but may not be possible.

Please do not phone, email, or request an appointment for course changes.  Counsellors will only respond to course change requests for errors that are received via the Online Course Error Form.  Note, we are at capacity in most courses and many now have a waiting list.  Changes will be made where possible, but cannot be "undone" once processed.  We do not take requests for teacher preferences.  Students will receive their final schedules in September.

Updated: Monday, June 26, 2023